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Welcome to

We can help you find a retirement community that best matches your search criteria. No expectations or strings attached on our end.  This is a non-biased search of ALL communities.  We do not get paid for referring homeowners to communities.

There are TWO ways to come up with your "search criteria" so that we can find the best matches for the perfect community:  

You can use the (optional) Prioritization Grid exercise or you can simply scroll down this page and use the Community Matcher.

Using the Prioritization Grid exercise is optional.  
It takes a bit longer, but it is much more precise.  Print your results and come back here when you've finished.

Whether you used the optional Prioritization Grid exercise or not, it's time to move on to the "Community Matcher" form below. 

If you prioritised your search criteria for relocating to another area you can also click the link below to use our RE-LO MATCHER. 

Playing Foosball

Take Note: This form is not intended to be used with mobile devices like iPads, iPhones, and Android phones. Please use a Mac or Windows computer.

Community Matcher

Let us help you in finding the best retirement community.

Let us know more about the community you seek:

Don't get overwhelmed, just answer what you can so we can recommend some ideal communities for you.

Is this for you or someone else?
What type of unit and how many bedrooms will you need?
Which Type of Senior Living Communities Interest you? Select all that apply:
How important is it to have Skilled Nursing ON CAMPUS?
Not Important
Very Important
How important is it to have Memory Care ON CAMPUS?
Not Important
Very Important
Do you prefer an Entrance-Fee Community or a Month-to-Month Community?
Level of Priority for Fees:
Not Important
Very Important
Preferred Building Type(s):
Level of Priority for Building Type(s):
Not Important
Very Important
I would prefer that the campus be smaller and more compact:
Not Important
Very Important
I would prefer the campus to be mainly flat:
Not Important
Very Important
The Surrounding Area Should Be:
Level of Priority for Surrounding Area:
Not Important
Very Important
I would prefer covered walkways to parking, dining, garbage, etc.?:
Not Important
Very Important
I would prefer to know someone who already lives there:
Not Important
Very Important
I would prefer to know the surrounding area or neighborhood:
Not Important
Very Important
I would prefer a beautiful view from the unit:
Not Important
Very Important
Which daily meals would you want included? (select all that apply):

Please give us an address or city and state, then how far from that location can you be (by miles)? For example "10 miles away from my current home or the hospital, the airport, the park, my kids, my church, or to my friend who lives in _____."

Level of Priority for proximity requirements:
Please Note: Since our service is not automated and all of the communities will be hand selected based on your answers above, we may need a bit of time to compile your results. How soon do you need this information?:
2-3 Days
24-48 hours
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